
Ends on

We seek engaging reviews that articulate in a clear voice ideas of craft but also of literary context and/or place the work in our sociopolitical present. We appreciate reviews that begin by establishing a context the work can be understood within, and we appreciate when the reviewer can step out of the way so that the review is dominated by a discussion of the book, and not a discussion of opinions and impressions--though we do, ultimately, want to see some kind of judgement.

We are particularly interested in reviews of books that can fairly be called diverse--we aim to publish a range of reviewers on a range of authors in each issue--and in reviews of authors' first books or recent translations. Books should be no more than eighteen months old by the time of publication (note that with our publication cycle, we are often reading to fill issues for two-three seasons from the time of submission). Reviews may consider a single book or take up two or three books together.

No previously published work, please.
If you'd like to pitch us before writing the review, you're welcome to do so through this form, but please note that even if the pitch interests us, we can't offer publication until we've seen the full review.

Reviews should be no longer than 1,000 words, double-spaced, and formatted using a standard font.
Please include the following information at the top of the review:
[Writer's Name]. [Title of book being reviewed]. [Press Name].
Reviewed by [Reviewer's Name]

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.